Friday, September 11, 2020

Article: "The Age-Old Problem of 'Fake News'" (Smithsonian)

"The Age-Old Problem of 'Fake News'" is an article from the Smithsonian with perfect timing for the current election year, or any year for that fact with information being disseminated through the press (in John Adams' day and today) and now through social media. If we go further back in time and look at any era in historical context, we can always find instances of the same.

But this begs us the question: How can a Library be a part of a solution? Libraries do their best - not perfect, just their best, to find vetted sources of varying opinions and points of view. When asked, we can provide information and reference material. We do our best as Library staff not to judge the material with bias. As information professionals, the concept of "fact checking" is a part of our very nature but can only find information insomuch as we have the resources. It is up to you, the reader, to make that judgement for yourself. 

Click here or the image below to view the article and try and think of ways that you can do your part to see all sides before passing judgement. 

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